Breed: Lacy Dog
Born: Oct/10/2005
Color: Blue
Height: 22"
Weight: 50LB
Distinguished: Strike Dog
Nose: Great sniffer, often able to work out difficult tracks
Range: Combined with his nose, Lucifer has plenty of range to consistently find and finish tracks
Finesse: Lucifer is mostly "hands off", expresses little grit and bays pretty loose but he will not hesitate to put enamel in ones ass if needs be.
Bottom: Once he is on a pig, he is not coming off until the pig is dead or hobbled.
Consistancy: Lucifer is picky about who I hunt him with and the number of dogs on the ground. He is a strong dog who has far more good days then bad but those few bad days can really get on my nerves.
Grit: Though Lucifer shows plenty of finesse when needs be, he is not gritty at all. Really rough or running hogs may get the better of him.